Thursday, December 23, 2010

A much needed Holiday update

Hey folks, happy holidays from the Robot Collector.

It's been a hell of a year, going through finals a few weeks ago, finally getting my netbook back, and having a general lack of things to write about. My apologies to those dying to find more out about what's been going on, I can safely say not too much has passed. I've been fairly good, in case my readers have been wondering, and I'm going to be posting my blog on Facebook to get more publicity and readers. Maybe that will make me write more, who knows. In any case, that's all I have for now. I've got bratwurst to eat, Virgil's to knock back, and a tree to decorate.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One year older, one year more awesome

It has occurred to me that I turn 23 tomorrow, and I should probably celebrate. In case you're wondering where I've been, school has taken control. I live on campus now, though a slight error on my part led to me moving into the Broadway building, a slightly more expensive, but all around nicer and larger living space. My roommate is one of my friends from PCC, and things are going well with that. I haven't gotten a chance to get pictures, as I don't have a camera. Maybe if someone's really nice and gets me one I can get on that. Overall, I've been busy, and I've been doing pretty well. I should have a post up over the weekend if anything good comes up, though things are pretty normal right now.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Con Report and Relocation

Greetings folks, it's Robot Collector again.

As summer winds down to a close, I feel it is important to mention a lot of what's been going on lately. I've been preparing for my senior year at PSU, and this has included setting up student housing. Already signed the contract and put down the deposit a while ago, so by the 19th of September I'll be moving into the Ondine building on campus. It's a fantastic location, right on 6th Avenue, and only a block from where my classes are. It's a rather exciting new venture, and I'll be pleased to get everything settled there/

I got back from Kumoricon yesterday, which was a real blast. Made up for last year and really left a good impression. While there weren't any robots to be collected, I still had a good time. I'm going to post my con report on first, as they're helping me with the editing as well, and when it's up I'll provide a link.

That's all for now, stay tuned.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Better, Faster, Stronger

After braving the whirlwind of PSU's spring term, your intrepid Robot Collector is back with good news. Daddy's got a brand new machine, and it's slick, pretty, and excellent. The ASUS EEE PC T101MT, one of the latest and greatest netbooks from their EEE PC line. I haven't gotten around to actually snapping any photos, but I assure you she's a beaut. With a 10.1 inch screen that flips over the keyboard to become a multitouch-capable tablet complete with a sweet, telescoping the stylus, it's hard not to love it.

I've named the machine SOLARIS, which stands for Spec Ops Logistical Army Recon Information Systems. I like to assign acronyms to my computers like that. For instance, my desktop is called OCEAN: Operational Covert Entry Attack Network. It's a fun little quirk of mine. Anyway, I wanted to bring you all up to speed on things.

Pics to arrive soon, though they'll probably be stock pics. Also, I'm going to upload my report on Akihabara as soon as it's all fixed up. One thing I forgot to mention was my amazing trip to Japan. This is mainly due to school at the time, and all the excitement of packing, planning, and actually being there. I didn't have much down time to actually report, and many of the readers (you know who you are) already knew that I was over there. I did, however, write up a post on Akihabara that I sent over to an interesting little anime site called Anime Secrets, which I am a reporter for. Check them out at, if you're into that kind of thing.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hello 2010

Robot Collector here, speaking to you from the new decade of the 21st century. I'm back at PSU working on my history major, and enjoying life as a university student as usual. Even more, I am enjoying the killer pulled pork sandwich in front of me, which is one of my weaknesses. Speaking of which, those looking for a damn good pulled pork sandwich, go to Bunk Sandwiches in Portland on SE Morrison, great place.

I know I haven't updated in a while, but that's merely because it takes time to really pick and choose the right thing to write about. I prefer to have a particularly striking or relevant item to write about, something fresh in my mind. I will attempt to increase my output this year.

More robots and robot reviews to come, stay tuned...