Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me

Yep, I turned 21 today. I had dinner at the Baghdad on Hawthorne and I now have an iPod Nano. I got it for a lower price because it was open-box. Apparently the one who bought it before me returned it because he couldn't get any music on it. Because he didn't own a computer. I can't think of anything to follow that up with. More to be added later.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wow, did I just see that? Report for 10/01/08

On Monday night we went out to dinner at Hodas, a Lebanese place on Belmont, to have a going away sort of thing for my brother. When we were driving home, we noticed a couple on at a crosswalk with a baby that was using the baby's blanket to carry a TV. We weren't sure where they were going or why they were carrying the TV with them. Maybe they just bought it, maybe they were moving it, who knows.

Also, on the way out to PCC today I saw a homeless man with a sign that said "Hungry Hungry Hobos".